OTC DNS - the complete example

DNS services are provided by OTC since months. Now the complete stack is reworked so we can take a closer look on API service.


The service is located on the dashboard in the network services area. There are 3 main features as you can see on the screen:

  • Public Zones
  • Private Zones
  • PTR-Records

Private Zones and PTR-Records are completly new. If you have older implementation with setup reverse zones, please update to the new one. A good thing: it’s simple!


Documentation can you found at https://docs.otc.t-systems.com/en-us/dns_dld/index.html

Let’s start to implement some DNS entries via API. We will do this with Ansible.

First of all we need connection to OTC. Use the OTC Connect Cheat Sheet

It’s a good idea to install openstack-client because ansible will use the same os-client-config:

git clone https://github.com/eumel8/ansible-otc.git
cd ansible-otc/playbooks
cp vars/secrets.yml  vars/_secrets.yml

In _secrets.yml are only S3 credentials stored. You need to adjust env.yml with the used profile name in clouds.yml. Ignore the _secrets.yml settings

adjust account data here or in clouds.yml:

USERNAME: "<username>"
PASSWORD: "<password>"
DOMAIN: "OTC-EU-DE-0000000000100000XXXX"

EC2_ACCESS_KEY: "<obs access key>"
EC2_SECRET_KEY: "<obs secret key>"
EC2_URL: "https://obs.otc.t-systems.com"

# endpoint urls
IAM_AUTH_URL: "https://iam.{{ PROJECT_NAME }}.otc.t-systems.com/v3"
AUTH_URL_ELB: "https://elb.{{ PROJECT_NAME }}.otc.t-systems.com/v1.0"
AUTH_URL_ECS_CLOUD: "https://ecs.{{ PROJECT_NAME }}.otc.t-systems.com/v1"
AUTH_URL_RDS: "https://rds.{{ PROJECT_NAME }}.otc.t-systems.com/rds/v1"

Service endpoint for DNS is provided by IAM, so it’s not necessary to setup.

Imagine we have a dns.ini with the configuration of all resources of DNS:


Formely the sections dnszones snd dnszonerecords were in tenant.ini file

Public zones are isolated on OTC. You can host your zones there but there is no registration service to catch new domains. This means you need to delegate your elsewhere registered domains to the public OTC server:

ns1.open-telekom-cloud.com and ns2.open-telekom-cloud.com

Before you need to configure your zone in OTC (see below) because the domain (and all sub-domain) are uniq bound to one tenant. If someone else has configured the domain, you need the service desk to clarify.

Private zones are only reachable in the selected VPC and with the resolver host

Reverse DNS (PTR records) are only provided for public ip (EIP). The ip address must assigned to your tenant to set the PTR record.

Related playbooks are dns_ini.yml, dns_yml.yml and dns_json.yml All of them control the otc_dns role.

Lets start a virtual machine with a fixed private ip address and an allocated EIP:

ansible-playbook tenant_ini.yml -e "ecs_name=ansible-test01"

In this play we setup a new DNS zone, make an A-Record for ECS, and set PTR-Record (Reverse DNS):

ansible-playbook dns_ini.yml -e "zone_name=ansible.otc.telekomcloud99.com" -e "localaction=create"

ansible-playbook dns_ini.yml -e "zone_name=ansible.otc.telekomcloud99.com" -e "ecs_name=ansible-test01" -e "localaction=ptrcreate"

Here we create zones and zonerecords. API works asynchron so if job processing is slow you need to repeat the step if the zone is not ready when zonerecords are added.


$ host -t A  ansible-test101.ansible.otc.telekomcloud2.com ns1.open-telekom-cloud.com
Using domain server:
Name: ns1.open-telekom-cloud.com

ansible-test101.ansible.otc.telekomcloud2.com has address

$ host -t A  ns1.open-telekom-cloud.com
Using domain server:
Name: ns1.open-telekom-cloud.com
Aliases: domain name pointer ansible-test101.ansible.otc.telekomcloud2.com.

$ host  ansible-test101.ansible.internal.corp
Using domain server:

ansible-test101.ansible.internal.corp has address

Remove DNS reverse entry:

./grole otc_dns; ansible-playbook roles.yml -e "public_ip_address=" -e "localaction=ptrdelete"

Migrate your complete zones automatically (required xfer permissions)

Private zone:

ansible-playbook dns_ini.yml -e "config=ini" -e "localaction=transfer" -e "dns_server=" -e "zone_name=ansible.internal.corp"" -e "zone_type=private" -e "zone_email=nobody@localhost" -e "zone_ttl=86400"

ansible-playbook dns_ini.yml -e "zone_name=ansible.internal.corp" -e "vpc_name=ansible-vpc01" -e "localaction=create"

Public zone:

ansible-playbook dns_ini.yml -e "config=ini" -e "localaction=transfer" -e "dns_server=" -e "zone_name=example.com" -e "zone_type=public" -e "zone_email=nobody@localhost" -e "zone_ttl=86400"

ansible-playbook dns_ini.yml -e "zone_name=example.com" -e "localaction=create"

End of PoC. Look at the [other plays and roles] to interact with OTC API